859.279.7330 emily@kreyling.com

The American / Filipino Picnic 2023

Days to the American / Filipino Picnic 2023








August 12th, 2023 is the picnic date. Please sign up on line. If you have paid already, please sign up on the web site and put in your shared dish so it can be posted online.

Last day to register for the event: July 25, 2023

Event Location: 176 Johns Hill Road, Highland Heights, KY 41076 ( Right behind the City building )

Directions: Use the map below to generate your custom driving instructions.

Event Start Time: 11:00 am (please preheat your shared dish or arrive earlier to put shared dish on the warmers). Electrical outlets will be available. Steve will be there by 9:00 am to setup and move tables. If you can help with setup, email support@kreyling.com and let me know.

Lunch: 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm (arrive early for the best food selection)

Kids & Adults games: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Group Photo: 2:00 pm

Dancing & Karoke: 4:00 pm to closing of event

Any food left at the close of the event will be given to all those that are still present.  There will be no take out orders during the event to be fair to all that attend.

Bottled water will be supplied and you are welcome to bring your favorite drink. Alcohol is permitted, but not supplied.

Payment for the American Filipino Picnic 2023 can be made by cash, check or zelle.

Cost of 2023 Picnic: 

  • Family (Husband / Wife with immediate children under 18) $25 
  • Husband / Wife (No children) $20
  • Adult 18 years and older $10

Checks can be mailed to:

Stephen Kreyling
122 Dogwood Drive
Highland Heights, KY 41076

Zelle Payments: 859-777-2367

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Get directions to the picinc

[mappress mapid=”2″]

[rtec-registration-form event=4392695]

[rtec-attendee-list event=4392695]